
Staff Mobility

Erasmus+ provides the following opportunities for teaching staff employed at the HHIC:

    • Teaching visits to partner institutions (workshops, master classes, examining visits, etc.)
    • Training visits (job shadowing, continuous professional development activities)

Staff members can teach a topic in their area of interest for a minimum of 8 hours, and receive a grant that will cover their travel and accommodation costs. This way, students from partner institutions benefit from their knowledge and expertise, while the staff members have the opportunity to widen their contacts.

Call for Applications:

The Erasmus+ Office organizes an annual information event and sends out an email to all the teaching staff of the HHIC with information of mobility possibilities. Those interested in exchange are asked to contact the Erasmus+ Office.

A deadline for submitting the application form is set by the Eramus+ Office and then teachers are appointed/invited by the institute’s management based on strategic consideration (continuous professional development, international recruitment, etc.).
First time exchanges are encouraged and supported. Even though there are no formal language assessment criteria, the prospective member of the staff who will participate in the programme should speak adequately the language used by the receiving institution/organization.

The Mobility Agreement for teaching/training visits is the foundation of the Erasmus+ mobility. The documents need to be confirmed and approved by the member of staff, the sending and the receiving institutions. This ensures that the visiting staff member is credited for his/her work abroad at the host institution and can be helpful towards his/her career development.

Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching
Staff Mobility Agreement for Training

The HHIC distributes grants by signing a Grant Agreement with the outgoing staff members. They are awarded an Erasmus+ grant to help cover their mobility costs, including travel and subsistence costs incurred in connection with teaching/training period abroad.

Upon the staff members return they are expected to have with them the confirmation of teaching/training signed by the host institution. They are also expected to complete the report (survey) on the Mobility Tool regarding his/her mobility.

Related Files:

Sample of Certificate of Attendance.docx
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Δήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος για Κατάρτιση.docx
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Δήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος για Διδασκαλία.docx
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